People @ FLOW Lab

Current members

Bastien Queste

Associate Professor and Docent; Physical oceanography with specialisation in biogeochemical cycling.

Estel Font

PhD Student - Ventilation of the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone

2021 - ongoing

Mauro Pinto

PhD Student - Mixing dynamics in the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Arabian Sea

2024 - ongoing

Teresa Peil (main supervisor Carina Bunse)

PhD Student - Effects of nutrient and trace metal stoichiometry on marine bacterial communities and organic matter cycling.

2024 - ongoing

Past members (MSc)

Jan Śliwiński

Assessing remote sensing biases in primary productivity estimations in the Amdunsen Sea polynya, Antarctica.

(2023 - 2024)

Paul Nemeth

Impact of instabilities on the variability of the deep chlorophyll maximum.

(2023 - 2024)

Chiara Monforte

Observing small scale physical drivers of primary production in the Skagerrak region.

(2021 - 2022)

Leandre Beaufort & Gael Sanquer

MSc Interns

L’Ecole Navale (2022)

Emil Moncanis & Johan Verquier

MSc Interns

L’Ecole Navale (2021)

Past members (BSc)

Michaela Edwinsson

Internal waves and their tidal constituents in the Gulf of Oman.


Amelia Thelandersson

Optimising the Use of Gliders for Measurement of Zooplankton Migration


Friends of FLOW

Polar Gliders

UEA Gliders

Voice of the Ocean (VOTO)